Difference between FPGA and ASIC

by kamalnadh

                           ASIC (application specific integrated circuit) is a IC that is designed with a certain purpose and the programming is built during the production. FPGA (field programmable gate array) is also a type of IC which contain programmable logic blocks and interconnection circuits.The program is does't built during the production.


             Field programmable gate array is an IC which contain logic gates with programmable interconnection.In this the program is does't built during the production.These are field programmable because they can be configured by the user after manufacturing.It contain an array of programmable logic blocks.The logic blocks can be configured to perform combinational functions.It also include memory elements (flip flop or block of memory).It is configured by HDL (hardware description language) similar to that ASIC.

  Advantages of FPGA:-
  •    It can be reprogrammed.
  •   Cost is less.
  •   Simple in design.
  •   Time taken to manufacture is less.
  •    Field programability.

  Disadvantages of FPGA:-
  •    The main disadvantage is it consume more power.
  •    The design size is limited.     


        Application specific integrated circuit.These are designed for a special solo purpose and  the function of chip is same through out the chip life.It's digital circuitry is made up of permanently connected gates and flip flops in silicon so the logic function can't be changed.This design is more complex compare to FPGA.

  Advantages of ASIC:-
  • It is faster than FPGA.
  • It consumes less power.
  • More reliable.
  Disadvantages of ASIC:-
  •  Manufacturing time is more.
  •  Complex in design.

Difference between FPGA and ASIC:-

1. To design small chip cost is low.

2. It consumes more power.

3. Simple in design. 

4. Manufacturing time is less.

5. Programme doesn’t  built in production. 

6. Slower.

7.Reconfigurable circuit

8. Design is specified using Hardware Description Language.

1. To design small chip cost is high.

2. It consumes less power.

3. Complex in design.

4. Manufacturing time is more.

5. Programme is built in production.

6. Faster.

7. Permanent circuit.

8. It is also specified by using Hardware Description Language.

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