Physical design flow

by kamalnadh

PD flow:-

Physical design:-  It is the process of transforming a circuit description into physical layout.which describes the position of cells and routes for the interconnection between them.the physical design process stages are listed below.

Import design:-
           It is the first stage in physical design.In synthesis process the RTL code is converted into netlist.In this import design stage all input files are read by the tool.By using this information the design process will starts.

            The floorplan is the process of determining the macro placement,power grid generation and i/o placement.It is the process of placing blocks/macros in the chip/core area there by determining routing areas between them.It determines the size of the die and creates wire tracks for placement of standard cells.It creates power straps and specifies pg connection.It also determine the i/o ,pin/pad placement information.


          Placement is the process of automatically assigning correct position to standard cells on the chip with no overlapping.By global placement outside of standard cells will placed inside roughly.By the detailed placement the standard cells will place in site rows(legalize placement).In placement stage we check the congestion value by GRC map.

(Note:- For just understanding purpose standard cell size was practical standard cell and rows are too small compare to macros.Count of std cells also high.ex:-50k)

CTS(clock tree synthesis):-
               In this stage we built the clock tree by using inverters and buffers.In the chip clock signal is essential to the flip flops,to give the clock signal from clock source we built the clock tree.It is the process of balancing the clock skew and minimizing insertion delay in order to meet timing and power.

               Before the routing stage the connection between the macros,standard cells,clock,i/o port are logical connections.In this stage we connect all the cells physically with the metal straps.Routing is divided as two parts 1)global routing 2)detailed routing.The global routing will tell for which signal which metal layer is used.Before the detailed routing all are the logical connections.In detailed routing the physical connections are done.


              After the routing the physical layout of chip is completed.In signoff stage all the tests are done to check the quality and performance of the layout before tapeout.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice & knowledgeable post all features are defined in a good way for more detail visit thanks


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